Goal setting and sticking to those goals can be difficult, and sometimes we need a little extra help staying on track. Tarot work is an excellent tool for planning, and this Tarot Spread for Working on Goals is designed to hone in on this. It helps us to focus on what needs our immediate attention. It can also illuminate certain things we may have been neglecting…and shouldn’t.
This tarot spread is designed to help you look at a particular goal, and help you refocus your energy to help you manifest what you what to happen. This spread is flexible enough that you can zone in on a particular goal you want to manifest in your life or you can ask the cards to draw your attention to goals that need extra attention due to unforeseen obstacles.
Approach 1: Actively Selecting and Choosing a Goal
Identify your Goal Card by choosing a card from the deck that represents the goal you would like to try to help move along the way you would like it to. How about the Three of Cups to help you to reunite with an estranged loved one? Or maybe the Hermit because you want to meditate and be more self-reflective? Take your time choosing your card, and this will be treated as a focus card. Remove this card from the deck and set it down in position 1. Selecting this card beforehand will allow you to visualize your goal and focus on what you want while you shuffle and place the cards. Begin your shuffling ritual with the other cards.
Cards 2 and 3 are going to pull out and highlight issues and potential obstacles that are preventing your goal from fully forming the way you want it to.
Card 4 will identify which of your strengths will help you to alleviate these issues, while Card 5 will show you which of your weaknesses are in play here as well. Being aware of this area is important. Try to refuse or redirect some of your energy here, in an effort to make this a strength and hopefully you will minimize the damage.
Approach 2: Allowing the Cards to Focus your Attention
Draw a card, and allow the cards to tell you which goal it will be addressing. This is very useful if you already have a clear idea of what your many goals are. If you use a dream board or are a list maker, hold this card against your list and match it to the goal whose energies align with.
As with above, Cards 2 and 3 are going to pull out and highlight issues and potential obstacles that are preventing your goal from fully forming the way you want it to.
Card 4 will identify which of your strengths will help you to alleviate these issues, while Card 5 will show you which of your weaknesses are in play here as well. Being aware of this area is important. Try to refuse or redirect some of your energy here, in an effort to make this a strength and hopefully you will minimize the damage.
Sample Reading Tarot Card Spread for Working on Goals: I want to be more productive on the weekends!
I decided to choose the second approach and allowed the cards to choose the goal card for me.
Card 1: King of Wands: This card represents wise, open positive masculine energy. This card is offering me an abundance of energy to point me in a positive direction. The King of Wands usually points to an actual person in our lives, but not in this position of this spread. Remember, The spread that you are using and the position of the card has just as much importance as the meaning of the card. In this case, the card is validating that I have the right intentions in this goal and the driving force for it is coming from a very positive, motivated organized part of my personality. If this is not the first time I decided to make this resolution to myself, then this time it will probably stick because my resolve and determination are much stronger this time around.
Card 2 & 3: The second and third card in the reading indicate what the issues are. What are the obstacles, and what are problems or complications that might interfere with my goal?
Four of Wands: This a card for celebration and being happy! Not so fast. This card is telling me that celebrations are causing problems. Weekends are days when social events get planned, and I love visiting with my family and friends. So as my goal is to be more productive on the weekends, social invites, parties and all inspirations for any sort of celebration will hinder my goal, probably by limiting or competing with the time I can commit to “being productive”.
The Two of Swords also highlights that balancing these two will be difficult. This card is telling us that maintaining the balance will be an issue. So now we know that even through resolve to be more productive on weekends is the strongest it’s probably ever been, celebrations and social obligations that I want to participate in will be distractions and will be repeated obstacles. The issue, specifically, is maintaining the balance between the two, a sort of work-life balance.
Card 4: Judgment is a card about making decisions. It speaks to the resolve and drive and determination. In this reading, this card throws its full support towards the King of Wands. The strength of your resolve to being more productive on the weekends is coming from a place of absolution, and complete self-trust. Understanding this, truly knowing this is key to staying committed to your goal.
Card 5: Three of Pentacles is here to let is know what the primary weakness is. This card represents the appreciation that other people have for the work that you do. It is a card that embodies teamwork, collaboration, and fulfillment. But how can this help me to understand a weakness that is affecting my goal? Well, expanding on the idea of teamwork and collaboration, what necessary for that to happen is a plan, an organized idea of who is what is going to do what when. This card is hinting to me that my weakness is planning, and I need to watch out for that. If I plan poorly – or not at all! – I will not be able to stick to my goal of being more productive on the weekends. The best way to regulate the issue
Card 6: The Sun: Oh Happy Day! This outcome card is an absolute cheerleader in this reading. This card is radiating success and abundance. The Sun is confirming that my goal will be successful.
Summarize the reading in 1-3 sentences.
It will be easier to remember and will help you understand what you need to do: I am on track to my goal by way of the King of Wands and the Sun. The best way to regulate the issues presented by the Four of Wands and the Two of Swords is to bolster Judgment and be aware of my weakness reflected in the Three of Pentacles.
In other words: this reading with the Tarot Spread for Working on Goals is telling me that I will be more productive on weekends but I need to be careful tempting social engagements and the challenge of finding an appropriate balance between participating in celebrations and the work I need to get done. The best way to regulate these issues is to bolster and find strength in my resolve and decision to be more productive on weekends. I need to be aware of my weakness here and I would need to improve my time management to make sure I have the balance I need.
Book this reading with Tiffany
I love reading the cards and helping others gain clarity and insight through the Tarot. Let’s look at your goals together, and I will consult the cards to identify the weakness, support your strengths and minimize your weaknesses.
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