Once I found this Tarot Spread for Difficult Conversations, it made itself an important part of the tools I use for personal readings. This tarot spread is for conversations you know you need to have with someone that you care about that may be difficult, unpleasant or painful. Most times, the anxiety that we experience leading up to these conversations is due to the fact that you simply don’t know how this conversation is going to go. You don’t know how the other person is going to react, maybe there is information you are something you don’t know, you just want to make sure that you are prepared for this conversation you’re going to have with them. This would also be helpful for preparing to break important news to someone or if you need to discuss a controversial topic, sensitive things, all around.
If you don’t know how the other person is going to react, maybe there is information you are something you don’t know, you just want to make sure that you are prepared for this conversation you’re going to have with them. This would also be helpful for preparing to break important news to someone or if you need to discuss a controversial topic, sensitive things, all around.
This spread will be useful because:
- you don’t know how the other person is going to react.
- there might be information you are missing or something you don’t know.
- you just want to make sure that you are prepared for this conversation you’re going to have with them
This Tarot Spread for Difficult Conversations would also be helpful for preparing to break important news to someone or if you need to discuss a painful, controversial or sensitive topic. This spread is designed to provide you with
- More insight into the situation
- Information to inspire empathy and understanding for the other person.
- And help you guide your actions throughout the whole experience.
Card 1: The first card drives the whole spread. It’s going to explain the immediate reaction of the person that is receiving the news, or it might make it clear to you what the dynamic of the conversation will be. This is going to be what happens at the time that you deliver the news or shortly after delivering the news. This will also 0ffer some insight as to what kind of friction or what kind of opposition way might be experienced during the conversation.
Card 2: The second card will explain the delayed reaction. So the first card moves into the second, and they work together. Once after the information has sunken in and has been processed this is the reaction of the other person that will happen as a secondary response. This might take some time to manifest, as you may not be with the person when it happens.
Card 3; The third card is the Outcome Card. What will be the result, and would be the gains or losses of revealing this information. This card might heavily way on your decision to go through with the conversation and why you feel it is so important.
- What will you gain by revealing this information?
- What will happen as a result of this information?
- What’s going to happen to the situation in general?
1 and 2 deal with the individuals involved and the feelings involved, whereas the third card is really situational and eventful.
When considering the third card, it’s important to note what the card is:
- if it’s a Major Arcana Card, it’s going to be a big, life, changing life theme that sets in as a result,
- if it’s a Minor Arcana card then it would speak to a specific situation, something that might happen, and then if it’s a court card, it would be an aspect of one’s personality or of the archetype that would emerge and come forward from the other person
- and then if it’s a court card, it would be an aspect of the other person’s personality or a quality of the archetype that would emerge from the person receiving the news.
Card 4: The fourth card is placed on the outer reaches of the tarot spread. It’s not placed in the flow of the first three cards because this card may affect and manifest in different levels of intensity at different levels of the spread. This area represents difficulty that you can’t control. You have no control over these influences, and these difficulties could come
- at the immediate reaction of the delivery of the news,
- it might come when the delayed reaction is being experienced,
- it might happen at both times, and it might be stronger at one, not the other,
- if might also only occur as the outcome of the situation.
The fourth card is important to pay attention to. It is thematic and be repetitive throughout the time period of the spread.
Sample Reading: Tarot Spread for Difficult Conversations.
Empress reversed: Means that immediate reaction upon hearing the news that would be of vanity and indulgence.
This card is basically is rejecting the role of mother. You would want to look at all negative things that would come with rejecting of positive, receptive growing nature. There might be a sort of fickleness, there would be a withdrawing. The person that is receiving this news, will not be open and will not react well to the news you are sharing with them. They might be frustrated, they are going to be very self-focused on themselves and how it is affecting them. You might feel that they are very closed off, you might feel that they are not open to you.
The second card I have pulled is the Six of Rods – delayed reaction and what happens after the information sinks in. Once the information sinks in, there is improvement, and things, in general, are a little bit better. You have self-confidence, advancement towards goal, self-pride, there is movement there is ownership, there is a sense of things getting done, and that whatever expectations that you have are being filled, even though people responded negatively when they received the news, that’s going to move into different attitude and a different energy in terms of leadership and responsibility. There would be a sort of resolution through action, there would be a sort of confidence, there would be a sort of leadership from the person that is receiving the news.
Card #3: Ten of Rods reversed. The end result is that even though there is a sense of leadership that sets in, there is going to to be difficulty in terms of the execution of responsibilities involved. Even though if you see whatever movement whatever manifestation you saw that you seem proud of, the end result of revealing this information is that it’s going to get messy. The responsibility that was picked up with the six of rods is going to be dropped. There is going to be a sense of avoidance or a sense of wanting to ignore what’s going on, and there might be some cleaning up involved. There might some delegation in terms of sending the work off to someone else. The progress that you made with the six of Rods might not pay off as per the ten of Rods. So as you can see, the difficult conversation that you had, probably didn’t achieve the result that you had wanted. Because there are two rods in this spread, we are dealing with something work related, motivation related, business related, and it just didn’t work. The fourth card is going to give more insight on that.
Ace of Swords reversed. This will explain to us challenges that might be experienced at each level represented in the tarot spread. It means an inability to think logically and suggests delays in beginning or accomplishing goals or tasks. It might indicate a pessimistic or really negative attitude or a lack of confidence or a block on anything that is mental, so let’s say writing or being able to
- a pessimistic or really negative attitude
- a lack of confidence
- a block on anything that is the product of our mental capacities, so let’s say, writing or being able to retrieve things from memory.
In considering this card, you really want to look at superficial, surface problems that you need to confront. This could be anything research oriented, legal or written. This card indicates to me that the person taking on the leadership in the Six of Rods, even though it fails with the Ten of Rods, it may not be their fault. So even though they were closed in the beginning as indicated by the Empress, they really came through overcame it and will be successful in achieving and adopting the information being given to them, and the reason for it is because of failure and logical issues.
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