Bree Ferguson from Nym’s Divination (update Oct 2018 link removed as site seems to be down) reached out to the tarot community and organized a blog hop for International Tarot Day; July 8th 2017. Each participant tackled one card of the Tarot Deck, offering unique and insightful interpretations.
It was incredible to find and see so many incredible people who embrace Tarot in their lives.
Visit the Blog Hop Masterlist (update Oct 2018 link removed as site seems to be down)
Click here to visit Soul Spark Blog to explore the Six of Swords.
This post is followed by Coyote Tarot covering the Eight of Swords.
Exploring the Seven of Swords: Betrayal, Deception, Dishonor
The Seven of Swords prompts us to look at our behavior, honestly assess it, look at:
- how it is affecting us individually,
- how it might be affecting others around us,
- how transparent our actions are.
It is important to note that in readings, this card indicates that you are
A) intentionally being deceiving,
B) acting on your work without divulging your plans with others your actions with affect
C) experiencing shame or guilt that is affecting your actions, whether you care to admit it or not.
This tarot spread is designed to help you objectively evaluate your behavior. It can be used as a supplement to another Tarot Spread for additional insight, or on its own, as general insight into your life.
Tarot Spread Positions:
- What are you avoiding, or what do you need to face?
- How are you separating yourself from others?
- How can you get along better with others
- What responsibilities do you need to accept and take on
- How is guilt affecting your life and your decision making?
Visit the Blog Hop Masterlist
Click here to visit Soul Spark Blog to explore the Six of Swords.
This post is followed by Coyote Tarot covering the Eight of Swords.