Why We Plan Ahead With Tarot
We consult our tarot cards to peek into the future, ask personal questions and make decisions. So when we take the time to map out and plan our actions and choices for the future, your tarot cards are incredible tools.
What risks can we anticipate? Are these risks we are willing to take or are these situations we want to try to avoid What opportunities are will be available to us? Will these be obvious or will they be lurking just underneath the surface of what’s possible?
The following are the best Tarot Spreads for planning and goal setting because they offer ways to consider risk, the reach of our actions and powerfulness of our goals.
You need a Tarot Journal. Why? Because working with Tarot needs consistency. Once you’ve found a tarot spread you like to plan regularly with, you will need to record the reading so that you don’t forget what needs to be nurtured and what needs to be avoided!
Natural Cycles in our Lives
As the Wheel of Fortune tarot card tells us, cycles with endings followed by beginnings are constants in our lives. For The New Year’s Tarot Spread and the 12-Month Year Ahead Tarot Spreads are great for mapping out January through December, or one month from the current year to the same month of the following year.
New Year’s Tarot Spread
How will you grow? What will help you, and what’s going to try to stop you? This spread is excellent for not only for answering these questions, but you can pull out some great motivation that will last all year long.
Year Ahead Tarot Spread – 12 Months
This spread assigns one card per month.
Option 1
Card 1 holds the message for January, Card 2 holds the message for February, Card 3 holds the message for March, etc. Card 13 expresses the message for the year and repeated themes you will experience.
Option 2
Card 1 holds the message for the next upcoming month, Card 2 holds the message for the month after that, Card 3 holds the message for the month after that one, etc. The 12th card will be this current month next year (so if it’s November 2017, then card 12 is November 2018). Card 13 expresses the message for the year and repeated themes you will experience.
Option 3
This spread could also be used with the twelve astrological houses of the year.
- Ares
- Taurus
- Gemini
- Cancer
- Leo
- Virgo
- Libra
- Scorpio
- Sagittarius
- Capricorn
- Aquarius
- Pisces
- Message for the year
New Moon Tarot Spread
Many religions and cultures track the moon stages, and consulting the Tarot at each new moon is a great way to be more self-aware of your body and your mindset as the moon moves through its regular cycle.
Happy Birthday Tarot Spread
Anniversaries are important milestones. and this Happy Birthday Tarot Spead is a great option for measuring your growth and progress according to your birth date.
Evaluating Goals
Tarot Spread for Working on Goals with Tarot Cards
Planning for Action
Upcoming Special Events Tarot Spreads
Upcoming Event Tarot Spread
Other Spreads
“What Will Happen?” Tarot Spread