This easy relationship tarot spread is the ultimate secret weapon for any tarot card reader, and here, I’ll tell you why:
- It is the catalyst for open communication, highlight specific topics that are affecting the relationship.
- the spread is clear and direct, reducing room for error and allows you to move away from the reading quickly to get to work on the real task, which is the relationship.
- It is universally adaptable. It doesn’t just apply to romantic relationships. This can help you work on and improve working relationships, family disputes and misunderstandings among friends.
Easy Relationship Tarot Spread Layout Position Meanings
1.Your Feelings – What is the root of your actions. This will show actions, motivations, and insights into your role in the current state of the relationship and the reason why you are consulting the cards.
2. Your Partner’s Feelings – What is the root of your partner’s actions. This will show actions, motivations, and insights into your partners role in the current state of the relationship.
3. Effects on the Relationship – How the relationship is being affected.
It is important to remember that this tarot card spread doesn’t single out the only influences both people are contributing to the stress on the relationship. It does however highlight issues that are working against each other.
To illustrate this, there are two sample readings below. These readings were done for the same two people, at the same time. If the seeker only resolves what is affecting the first reading and not the second, and the second person does the reverse, the problems will not be resolved.
The reading isolates the issue and shows what each person needs to do to alleviate that singular issue.
Easy Relationship Tarot Spread – Sample Reading 1
Your Feelings – The Lovers Reversed – You feel as if the relationship is not balanced. You may feel as though your values are not aligned, and that the power within the relationship is not equal.
Your Partner’s Feelings – The Knight of Pentacles Reversed – Your partner feels stuck. He/She might be experiencing boredom in the relationship. There is a lack of motivation.
Affects on the Relationship – The Ten of Pentacles Reversed Loss and loneliness, and specifically, financial loss and loss of security.
Both partners are contributing to the financial suffering and loss that is plaguing the relationship.
For this to be resolved, the seeker needs to identify why they feel there is an imbalance in the relationship and address it. The seeker’s partner needs to identify why they feel bored and stagnant. As Pentacles is the dominating suit in this tarot reading, I would hone in right away on financial issues and the ability to contribute financially to the relationship.
Maybe the seeker is the only partner earning money in the relationship, and the second one is bored with the relationship because there are going out on less dates or one-on-one outings (probably because they cannot afford it). Each partner must articulate what they are feeling as indicated in the card drawn for them, and each partner must acknowledge what the other partner is experiencing. It is only through working together that they can avoid what the third card is warning, which is financial ruin.
Easy Relationship Tarot Spread – Sample Reading 2
Your Feelings – Page of Rods – Encouraging, enthusiastic and free.
Your Partner’s Feelings – Two of Cups Reversed – separation and/or imbalance.
Affects on the Relationship – The Moon Reversed – A deep unhappiness, denial and self-deception.
As one person seems enthusiastic in the relationship, the second person is not. This could be a situation where the seeker believes that the relationship is constructive and positive, while the second person feels that they would both partners rather leave. If there is to be any change on the deep unhappiness and denial that is affecting the relationship, both partners must acknowledge what the other partner is experiencing. unfortunately, this may not ve a relationship that could be saved.
I’d love to hear if you’ve tried this reading and what you were able to gain from it. Leave comments below!