Number: 6
Planet: Gemini
Hebrew Letter: Zain
Important Symbols:
- The Sun, offering prosperity and warmth (like the Sun card).
- Earth, fertile and rich and abundant.
- Flames represent passion.
- Man figure represents the conscious mind
- Female figure represents the subconscious mind.
- Angel represents the spiritual whelm.
- Mountain is the earth, masculine.
- Water is feminine principal.
The Number 6
Interpretation prompts for The Lovers
The successful balance of two opposites strengthing both individual beings.
The coming together and synthesis of two opposite elements.
Examples of opposite choices:
- security and risk
- masculine and feminine
- old and new
- responsibility and freedom from inhibitions
In relationships, this card points to both an emotional and physical connection.
This card sometimes points to a choice between two very different options.
Journaling Prompts for the Lovers
- What choice or decision are you facing?
- How comfortable do you feel about making a choice?
- What needs to be brought together or joined?
- How does your relationship status affect your perceived self-worth?
- Have you ever experienced unhealthy powerplays in a relationship?
Previous Card: The Hierophant
Next Card: The Chariot