About Me

Welcome, I’m Tiffany!

Welcome to My Wandering Fool, a site dedicated to self-development through Tarot.

Who Am I?

  • I’m a Virgo (Leo cusp).
  • I’m totally fascinated by the human psyche.
  • I’m dedicated creating a meaningful life and helping others finding their personal path.
  • My purpose is to lead as full of a life as possible. Tarot has been instrumental in this.

My Thoughts on Tarot

  • Tarot is an incredible tool for divination, but it’s real gifts are offered through assisting self-reflection, meditation and reflection.
  • My most profound moments with Tarot were in a quiet room, candles lit and silent in my reflection.
  • The Celtic Cross is my favorite, go-to Tarot Spread.

My Story

I found my first Tarot Deck (Aquarian Tarot) as a teenager, and I connected with it immediately. Fumbling with the little white book, I struggled through the Celtic Cross from the beginning, taking notes along the way. The way that the messages and stories unfolding in front of me was amazing. When I was ready to test my skills, I started taking my cards to school with me, and I would sell readings for $2. At this time in my life, I was a social pariah. Not many friends, not included in any of the cool kid gossip or parties, a real outcast.  All of sudden, all of my peers who I thought I wanted to be friends with were lining up for readings, and sharing all their secrets with me, looking for insights from the cards. I realized that Tarot was a way for me to connect with people who were otherwise not interested in connecting with me. I learned three important lessons
  • From this I learned how Tarot can help me build an instant, strong connection between strangers.
  • The way someone’s eyes lights up when they ask, “How did you know that?!” is intoxicating.
  • Reading cards well for others is an incredible responsibility.
As time moved on, I found myself reading less for others, and more for myself. “Am I making the best career move?”, “How should I move forward”, “How can I have a discussion with xyz?”.

Other Fun Tidbits

  • My hair is big, curly and sometimes impossible to control.
  • I live with my miniature schnauzer Willow, who makes regular appearances in my pictures and videos on Facebook and Instagram.
  • I studied Psychology at Concordia University, in my hometown of Montreal.
  • My professional background is in sales and customer retention. Find me here on Linkedin
  • Over the past 2 years I have dedicated my professional life to being able to adapt to traveling more.
  • I bring my Aquarian Tarot Deck with me, everywhere I go. My other decks stay home, protected with other valuables.

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