When we turn to Tarot with questions about our career or our finances, we are often feeling stress and pressure from unwanted uncertainty. This collection of Career and Finance Tarot Card Spreads is everything you need to help you review your career goals, examine your money mindset and challenge your financial goals.
It is in these situations where Tarot can offer some of its best benefits – giving hope and empowerment to help us take control of the life factors that most impact our self-worth and lifestyle choices.
Tarot Spread for Career and Money Review
This spread combines the most important aspects of the career and finance tarot card spreads found below.
Tarot Card Spread for Money Problems
No beating around the bush with this tarot spread. This spread is perfect for people who are looking for direct clear actions.
The person that is fed up with their struggles and is determined to make changes for themselves will most benefit from this spread.
- It gives you an answer as to the influences pushing their energies on the seeker’s financial troubles.
- It gives you guidance as to where to focus the action you are ready to take.
- Know where you can expect resistance, and find comfort in where you can allow yourself to be vulnerable and ask for help.
This spread is easy to work with, but very effective. To learn more about this spread, and see it in action, check out the Youtube video posted below. It features the spread description and two card reading example. Check out the Aquarian Tarot Deck, which is the tarot deck used in the video.
Tarot Spread for Exploring New Career Opportunities
Should you stay in your company, your role….or should you go, strike out and try something completely different?
Would a risk at this point in your career set you up for success or failure? We all face points in our career where we need to reflect on what we are moving towards and how we can be fulfilled in our career.
This spread is ideal for someone who has already made the decision to try something new in their career. This spread will benefit trying to expand or build their current role or someone trying to break out to try something new.
When using this spread, don’t forget to pay attention to the big picture. Where are the Pentacles, Wands, and Swords positioned, and where are they missing?
How are cards from the suit of Cups appearing and interaction with the other cards?
Three care spreads are powerful and versatile. The following spreads are my favorite to recommend because they are easy to use, and most importantly, easy to memorize and remember.
Three Card Tarot Spread for Finances
- My financial challenge. Are they emotional, a result of work done, emotional turmoil or passion-based decisions?
- My financial strengths. It’s comforting to know what you’re doing right, so you can focus your attention on what will give you the most impact.
- Where will I find my abundance? Where should you be watching for opportunities? How will your actions facilitate this?
Three Card Spread for Career Review
- Stay or leave? Is this a good time to take a risk, or focus on what you are doing and strengthening your position where you are?
- New opportunity. Depending on the previous card, this will be internally focused on where you are positioned now, or externally focused to external elements.
- Advice. Move forward, stay put, put your trust in your emotions or logic, this card holds the answer to what you should do (or shouldn’t).
Three Card Tarot Spread for Finance
- My money mindset. Is it healthy and focused or are you discussed and distracted?
- Who can help? We all need someone on our side. This card will help you find them.
- What should I focus on? Some things you can change, other things you can’t. This will point to where you should be putting your attention on for the most impact.
Three Card Spread for Career Review
- Who can help me?
- Who will hinder me? These cards are easy to work with if it is a Major Arcana card or a Court Card. We are used to working with the Archetypes these cards represent. If the card happens to be a Minor Arcana Card, then you would have to consider the real world situation the card is referring to and working out which people in your life played roles in that situation.
- Future Path? The result card. What will happen (so you know how to plan for it)?
Three Card Spread for Finance Review: Spending!
- My current financial situation.
- Areas to restrain spending. This is where you need to reign things in.
- Let the money flow this way. Allowing yourself to spend your money here will help you in the overall situation.
Three Card Spread for Career and Finance Reflection.
- What am I doing wrong?
- What am I doing right? Some unbiased feedback on what you are doing right and wrong. Get ready to potentially hear something you don’t want to hear.
- What do I need to do next? advice on what action you should (or shouldn’t employ).
Interested in adding some books to your personal tarot library? Check out these Tarot Books on Career and Finance: