Listening to the High Priestess – 2021 Year Ahead Tarot Reading

Last month we looked at what 2021 had in store for us (click here to see the 2021 Tarot Reading.

The High Priestess is our theme card for 2021. She invites us to turn inwards, learn to listen to our guiding voices, develop our talents and ignore the voices of self-doubt.

the-high-priestess (2)

Have you started seeing the messages from the reading looking back at you as you move about your day? I have! The Four of Swords reversed hinted at solitary pursuits like writing, drawing, or playing music. Over the holidays a friend of mine gifted me a coloring book and told me about how he used to doodle and color with his roommates over a beer while in pandemic lockdown. It was a nice way for them to be in each other’s company when they had nothing to say. 

So I’ve been giving it a try, and I have to say, it’s made my video-calls with friends more fun!

People of Walmart Coloring Book

I know, I know it’s silly!! But it’s been really nice to fill the quiet Saturday nights (my city is now in curfew) with something to do that doesn’t require much thinking. 

Here is the link to the coloring book I have, but it made me think that you may be interested in a tarot themed coloring book! 

Try coloring your own deck!

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