Finding a Tarot deck to connect with is easier than ever (compared to when you were dependant on sample decks in a local occult shop, if there was one available close to you. Not only are tarot decks easier to access through online shops or platforms, budding and aspiring tarot artists are finding financial support for their tarot projects is easier than ever. Tarot is proving to be an inspiration to creatives all over the world, and new inspired decks are emerging regularly, providing fresh takes on old ideas, and cultural perspectives.
I love seeing different interpretations and artistic styles, so I started this series in celebration of and in an attempt to keep track of new decks looking for support to become a reality.
Kickstarter and Indiegogo projects are campaigns where the online community donates money to help a creator achieve a certain goal. If the goal is reached, everyone wins, if not, the pledges are returned back. Artists expressing themselves through tarot are using these platforms to help get their decks realized and in front of the tarot community.
Tarot Decks on Indiegogo
Tarot Decks on Kickstarter

The Butterfly Effect Tarot

The New Babylonian Tarot Deck Review

The Marigold Tarot

Invisible Light Tarot Deck Review

Tarot of the Delphi
Support these Independent Tarot Decks
These decks are now for sale by the artists on their own sites or through online marketplaces like Amazon.

The Halloween Tarot

The Butterfly Effect Tarot

Invisible Light Tarot Deck Review
Would you like to see your deck featured here, or know of a deck that should be? Contact me through the form below:
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