The tarot deck is a tool to help you draw on your intuition, and it is your self-awareness of the varied feelings and emotions coming forward as a reaction to the images in the cards. A tarot journal is meant to be used along with your tarot deck, to record your impressions as you study the images, note conclusions from tarot spreads, and reflect on what the messages delivered to you through your intuition while reading the cards.
A Tarot Journal is used for
- noting your personal interpretations for each tarot card
- recording the results of readings
- collecting your favorite tarot card spreads
- tracking cycles and important dates
- understanding changes and growth.
How a Tarot Journal Can Bring You Closer to Your Tarot Deck
Easy Tarot Journal Workbook
Click here to learn how a Tarot Journal can bring you closer to your tarot deck.
Learn more about getting Weekly Tarot Journal Prompts to inspire and encourage you along your tarot journeys.
Easy Tarot Journal: A Workbook for Building Personal Connections with Tarot.
This Easy Tarot Journal is an excellent tool created for:
- new tarot readers
- and seasoned readers looking to build a strong connection with a new deck.
A Workbook for Building Personal Connections with Tarot.
It is structured for anyone getting acquainted with the Tarot for the first time, or for anyone looking to build a connection with a new deck.
You will love how easy it is to recognize the patterns of themes and energies communicated through the tarot as they are presented to you.
Journal Features
• Dedicated interpretation pages for building your own interpretations for each of the seventy-eight cards in the deck. This will be especially helpful if you are new to reading the cards.
• 12 monthly reading worksheets for you plan and track self-development goals.
• 365 Daily Card Draw entries for every day of the year.
• 24 pages for journaling small spread readings, and
• 12 pages for journaling larger spread readings
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